Sunday, March 21, 2010


One day power outages are both a pain in the ass and a welcomed respite from the usual mechanical days. Because I'm living in an island so close to the equator, it can get really hot out here. Without my electric fans, it does get hot and more than what I'd like. These days, the heat wave is making things so unbearable that my usually short fuse gets even shorter over little things. On the bright side, I do get some time to think quietly in one corner. I also get enough time to read things thoroughly. I feel more, stare at random objects more and have more time and peace to go back to basic writing.

Most of those don't happen though.

By 4:00 pm, I drove to church because I'm a Catholic and it's a Sunday. I also returned that Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince VCD I rented from VideoCity but rented the Zodiac movie with Jake Gyllenhaal and Iron Man. It's supposed to be a thriller so I'm expecting to get thrilled out of my seat.

Man, I really need to write something new soon.

Pepe Out!

† Jofer

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