Saturday, March 20, 2010

Normal day, Back on dA

Last night, I posted five (5) literary deviations on my deviantART account with varying awesomeness, though most of them are failures. They vary in titles and themes such as: Dear Greasemonkey (fiction in letter form), Why You'll Never (hatepoem), Life in Depression (non-fiction), Words (fiction) and Vampires Don't Drink Coffee (creative non-fiction). So, yeah, don't forget to check them all out. I'd love to hear feedback, even the scathing ones. We can't all survive on sugar, you know. The Library Lounge on deviantART accepted all five of my new deviations to their gallery so I guess that makes them read-able for some people. Now I'm thinking of venturing into digital arts or photography as a side passion. Weird since I can't do both well.

Days ago, a friend asked for me to proofread his work but today Yahoo Mail! was on a glitch so I couldn't email him back. My sister couldn't send emails too so it's possibly a glitch. Thankfully, later this evening, things went back to normal. Man, Yahoo! should maintain its good service or it may risk losing a majority of its users.

So instead of getting all worked up for the setback, I instead focused on and finished modifying my old resume. I downloaded my jobstreet one as well which means I now have two resumes on hand. Talk about being too excited to go to work.

To end the irritating day, I cooled my head by watching Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (HP6), which is still good in movie format, though I think it's much more better in book form. Of all Rowling's Potter Books, I do have a special place for it in my heart. It's tied with Tales of Beedle the Bard, of course. I have yet to read Deathly Hallows and that's a little painful to admit but, hey, it's just about finding the right time to read it now thanks to Marx and his e-book copies!

Pepe Out!

† Jofer

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