Thursday, March 25, 2010

To The Future

After what would seem like a one-day hiatus, I am back online tonight.

As most of you might know, I had my graduation yesterday so I was out all day from 7:30 in the morning till about 10 in the evening. It was a grueling day, mostly because of the heat, but it was awesome in the end. After all, I'm a graduate now. That means I no longer am confined to universities and are actively available for work. The last part might be a little hard to contain, especially since I am still on the look out for a decent job. I do have plans now but they are just that, plans.

If things go right, I might be away for another week, at least on SNS' (social networking sites). I might be scouting for paying jobs that time or taking my awesome puppies for walks. Either way, at least I'll be doing some things productively.

Pepe Out!

† Jofer

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