Friday, March 19, 2010

Progress Okay

I started clearing my desktop yet again. It's not really clearing when you're just rearranging stuff into folders and subfolders but I don't really like deleting my stuff. Maybe when my laptop crashes again and needs reprogramming then maybe that could happen. It's just not me right now. I'm still trying to hold on to most of my literary stuff. Graduating is another level so things will be missed, some forgotten but most cherished.

The clearing virus also spread on deviantART. I just got online again and I cleared several messages and deviation alerts on my inbox. I might submit something new tonight but it all depends if I pass out early.

I'd say today's progress is pretty much decent. I felt lazy and sleepy earlier this afternoon but I had promised to finally buy myself a suit for my graduation so I had to kick myself awake. At first, it was hard since I really wanted to sleep but through positive thinking I made it. Mom, Khalleen and my sister came with me and we had an awesome dinner at Greenwich. Actually, Khalleen's coming over was in no way pre-planned. The house next to theirs got terrorized (don't ask) and she needed to come over for the day since her dad was on a seminar. I was actually out to write this whole day but I couldn't make anything since I had my hands full. Still an awesome day though and I don't regret a thing.

Except maybe my graduation. I have to get a job right after.

Pepe Out!

† Jofer

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